Bribery, Corruption, and Fraud Policy

Reviewed: September 2022

Iron Software is committed to conducting business ethically and honestly and to implementing and enforcing systems that ensure all forms of bribery, corruption, and fraud are prevented. Iron Software has zero tolerance for bribery and corrupt activities. We are committed to acting professionally, fairly, and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships we build with our employees. Iron Software will constantly uphold all laws relating to anti-bribery and corruption and adhere to the following international standards:

  • OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials (1997)
  • UN Convention against Corruption (2003)
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FPCA)

To whom does this policy apply?

This policy applies to all employees, managers, and owners of Iron Software, including temporary or contract employees. Employees must ensure that they do not become involved in any way in the payment of bribes. This policy sets out the standards to which all employees of Iron Software must adhere at all times.


Bribery can be described as giving or receiving anything from any person (usually money, a gift, loan, reward, favor, commission, or entertainment), as an improper inducement or reward for obtaining business, employment, or any other benefit.

Bribes can therefore include, but are not limited to:

  • Gifts and excessive or inappropriate entertainment, hospitality, travel, and accommodation expenses.
  • Payments, whether by employees or business partners such as recruiters, labor service providers, or consultants.
  • Other 'favors' provided to supervisors, such as making unwanted advances, payments, or promises.

Company Commitment

All employees of Iron Software must adhere to the company ethos of bribery and corruption. No employee or manager will be allowed to take part or become involved in any form of bribery, corrupt behavior, or fraud, including the following:
  • Offer, pay, or give anything of value to any person through which one will unethically gain something in return that is not provided for in terms of their employment contract.
  • Attempt to mislead or induce any person to do something illegal or which goes against the company policy.
  • Mislead or intentionally lie to anyone to gain an advantage above and beyond their employment agreement.
  • Violate any rules by shifting blame or responsibility onto another employee/person. 
  • Fraudulent practices against the company ethos or legislation. 
Iron Software is committed to removing and combatting any inappropriate behavior immediately and will not tolerate such behavior from employees, managers, or customers/clients in any way or form. This policy hereby binds the company to its commitment to regularly discuss and mitigate factors related to any form of bribery, corruption, or fraudulent behavior.