NOTE: Iron Software prices are set in USD, and are displayed before tax.
FastSpring is required by law to collect applicable taxes on all purchases.
Sales Tax: Physical products shipped to residents in California and digital products, subscriptions, and physical products for residents in the U.S. incur sales tax except in Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon, AA, AE, AP, AS, and Puerto Rico.
VAT / GST: Most sales in the EU and some specific other geographic locations incur VAT or GST. Rates differ by country.
Enter a VAT ID
If you are tax exempt, most countries may enter a Tax/VAT ID during checkout:
- Exemptions: Customers in some locations can enter their VAT ID as part of the checkout process if they are exempt from tax payments. If FastSpring receives a tax certificate for a subscription tax exemption, recurring charges for the same subscription will not incur taxes.
Tax/VAT ID is not displayed?
Fastspring can refund tax/VAT (for up to 90 days) once the transaction is complete:
- Some customers may make purchases on behalf of an organization that is exempt from paying state and local sales taxes. In these cases, FastSpring can refund the sales tax to the customer's payment account once the transaction is complete. At this time, there is no way to prevent the sales tax from being collected on the order initially.
- Customers can submit a copy of their tax exemption certificate or other supporting paperwork issued by the state government at along with their order reference/order ID. Upon receipt of the paperwork, our Support team will refund the sales tax back to the original payment account.
Fastspring FAQ on VAT:
Full tax details by country: